EP106: Tammy Lally: Getting Honest About Money


I’m happy to introduce you to Tammy Lally, a Certified Money Coach, TED Speaker, and Author of Money Detox. She helps others master their finances by stopping the cycle of their money shame to rewrite their financial future. Tammy works with people to first conquer their emotions around money and then through a comprehensive financial plan.

I found Tammy after watching her TedTalk (which I hope you will go and watch) and knew she was someone that I needed to introduce to my listeners. The connection that she is able to make between money and emotions, especially grief and loss is powerful and I also believe life-saving for so many. 

She shares the hard story of losing her brother and what a profound impact both his experience and also her experience of grief had on her. His death made her want to understand her beliefs and behaviors around money and life. She feels it pushed her toward finding a higher power and finding answers. She credits a lot of Grace, Faith, and a lot of Grit for getting her through. 

We talk about the realization that we both had at points in our own experiences when it became clear that no one else was going to come and save us. When we realized that we have to do the work and stop looking to be rescued. This isn’t the same as trying to do everything yourself and not asking for help (which is very important), but that you also need to show up for yourself. When the strength comes from within it’s so powerful.

The healing that you can do through the lens of money is extraordinary. It’s one of the biggest healings of our time because we give money so much power. There is so much personal and spiritual growth that can come out of it.” (Click to tweet!)

~Tammy Lally

Tammy shares openly and honestly about her own money story and the personal bankruptcy she experienced shortly after her brother died. She says that our money story is imprinted on us, like much else, in the first 10 years of our lives and it’s just repeated over and over again unless we break the loop. This imprint happens through the way our parents did or didn’t talk about it, the energy around money when it was talked about, the stories we hear from the media and the way people with or without money are spoken about, and so many other things. 

One of the best ways Tammy says to break this pattern for the future is to talk about money with your children. Bringing it into the light is the only way.

I hope you will listen to this episode if you are newly grieving a loss. She and I both share our own experiences with money in the first few years after loss and Tammy gives such important advice if you are also in this part of the process. Ultimately, you need to ask for help and allow the help that is being offered to you. Find someone that you trust to talk about what is going on and then receive the help that comes your way. Letting people help you with the basics so that you can be well enough to move slowly from surviving to thriving is so important.

Tammy’s work is literally saving lives. I’d love to know what you think. Please share it with your friends and family, and be sure to tag me if you share it on social media so that I can say thank you. I’m @christinarasmussen7 on Instagram and @ChristinaRasmussen2014 on Facebook. 

More About Tammy Lally

Tammy Lally is a Certified Money Coach, TED Speaker, and Author of Money Detox. She helps others master their finances by stopping the cycle of their money shame to rewrite their financial future. Tammy works with people to first conquer their emotions around money and then through a comprehensive financial plan.

Tammy has 20 years of experience in the financial industry and 30 years of study in psychology, addiction, recovery, and spirituality. She brings a distinctive blend of financial industry experience, psychological knowledge, and spiritual consciousness to her work. Tammy offers a compassionate approach to money and money shame, which is truly powerful in helping her clients achieve transformative outcomes. Her signature "Money Detox" process is a seven-step journey that allows anyone to achieve financial freedom and joy. She works with individuals, couples, groups, and businesses and has thousands of people.

You can connect with Tammy via her website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

Listen to Episode 106 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen