EP19: Ari Whitten: How to Take Care of Your Health While Grieving


I met today’s guest Ari Whitten at an event where we sat next to each other at dinner. The moment I saw him I could tell that he had this incredible passion for the body, health, food, and the sleep that we get in our every day lives. We had an incredible conversation that night and then again during this podcast recording. I am certain that his wisdom will be very important for you as I know it impacted how I will care for myself moving forward.

During our conversation, we talk about how he stepped down from his medical degree, how he walked away from the traditional health industry and how he spends his days and his life to teach us about sleep, energy, food, and health. I think you’ll be blown away by his passion, I know that I am.

I asked him questions about loss and trauma and how do we go about our life when we are grieving. I asked him what we can do to make it easier on our bodies. He provides very practical tips and ideas of things that you can do in your daily life that will support you after loss and trauma. We also talk about his own depression and sadness and losses, especially the invisible ones. I’m so grateful for how honest he was willing to be with me and my listeners.

“Don’t underestimate the power of doing simple things. If you apply them consistently they make a huge difference over time.” (Click to tweet!)
~ Ari Whitten

I can’t wait for you to listen to this conversation and to be inspired. I hope that at least one of the tips and recommendations that Ari provides feels like it is something you are able to incorporate into your own life.

I’d love to hear what you think of this conversation. Be sure to comment below or connect with me on Instagram to tell me all about it.

More About Ari Whitten

Ari Whitten, renowned health expert, #1 best-selling author and the creator of the Energy Blueprint system for overcoming fatigue and increasing energy levels. He is an energy and fatigue specialist who focuses on taking an evidence-based approach to energy enhancement. He is also a nutrition and lifestyle expert with a Bachelor’s of Science from San Diego State University in Kinesiology (with specialization in exercise physiology). He has been studying nutrition for over 2 decades and has been teaching clients the science of nutrition for over 1 decade. He also has a background in exercise physiology and fitness and holds two advanced certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a Corrective Exercise Specialist and Performance Enhancement Specialist. 

He also hosts the extremely popular Energy Blueprint Podcast, which is the top health podcast on fatigue and energy enhancement. On the podcast, Ari does interviews with world‑renowned physicians, scientists and health practitioners to uncover secrets to overcoming fatigue, optimizing health, and increasing energy levels. 

You can connect with Ari via his website, Instagram, or Facebook.

Listen to Episode 19 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen