EP26: Laura Campbell: When To Leave Your Marriage And When To Stay


I’m so happy to introduce you to Laura Campbell this week. I wanted to have her on the podcast not so much because of the work she does (although that is incredible too!) but because of who Laura is in her life and the way she shows up in the world. I think she is an inspiration. It’s not just the steps she has taken, but also the way she goes all in.

Laura shares with us her journey from a marriage that was a good relationship but wasn’t the relationship she knew was meant for her. She talks about the moment she knew it was time to leave and so lovingly reminds us that knowing a truth and then taking action on it doesn’t all have to happen at the same time. Change and waking up to your soul’s voice can happen incrementally. She describes her inner knowing so well and I hope it helps you to turn inward and connect with your own inner knowing. We also talk about her recent move across the country and the reimagining of herself once again.

“You can trust yourself because you are trustworthy.” (Click to tweet!)
~ Laura Campbell

It can be so hard to say yes to that next chapter and a new beginning. But remember that you can trust yourself because you are trustworthy. I hope this conversation and her story gives you the courage to take that next first step for yourself.  I’d love to hear what you think of this conversation. Be sure to comment below or connect with me on Instagram to tell me all about it.

More About Laura Campbell

Laura is a coach, consultant and women's leadership strategist. In her private coaching and strategy practice, Laura W Campbell Inc., Laura works with women to reconnect to who they are and support them to become the person they are meant to be. She supports them to reimagine, redefine and reshape their new and next chapters with intention, courage, and grace.

You can connect with Laura via her website and Facebook.

Listen to Episode 26 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen