EP49: Sam Morris: The Journey From Addiction to Becoming His Own Hero


In today’s episode, I’m happy to introduce you to Sam Morris. Sam was a competitive tennis player, golfer, and ski racer. After spending 15 years in active alcoholism he is now 7 years free of his addiction. He is a men’s mental health coach, an author, a speaker, and a thought leader.

I do want to acknowledge that this episode was recorded in early March before the COVID-19 pandemic was declared and life changed for everyone. However, I feel that this conversation is well-timed for what many of us are currently working through as we spend time in our homes and reevaluate so many facets of our lives, relationships, and who we are.

In this conversation, Sam shares his personal story of feeling like an outsider since early childhood because of severe allergies and what anxiety felt like to him. He talks about how tennis helped ease those feelings and how addiction found him when his tennis career ended.

This is a very raw and honest conversation as Sam shares the hardest days and moments during his addiction that were pivotal to him ultimately finding a way to stop looking outward for someone to save him, and instead, find a way to become his own hero.

“The key is to consciously build your life. Find ways to replace the emptiness with fulfillment.” (Click to tweet!)

~Sam Morris

This is a moment of great change and collective grief. It’s also an opportunity, on the other side of this, to Reenter Life as a new version of ourselves both as a collective and as individuals. Sam’s advice and insights into ourselves and our behaviours is a great place to start to explore who you are and who you hope to become.

If you are needing support during this pandemic, I invite you to join my free Facebook Group that I have created for you. It is so important to me that we are ready to exit the Waiting Room when it’s time to re enter our new lives on the other side of this.

More About Sam Morris

Sam was born and raised in Vermont where he was a competitive tennis player, golfer, and ski racer. After spending 15 years in active alcoholism he is now 7 years free of his addiction. He is a men’s mental health coach, an author, a speaker, and a thought leader, and a huge sports fan; get ready for the sports analogies.

You can connect with him via his website, and Instagram.

Listen to Episode 49 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen