EP34: Shasta Nelson: How to Redefine Our Friendships After Loss


In today’s episode, I am joined by the amazing Shasta Nelson. She is a friendship expert and a leading voice on loneliness and creating healthy relationships. She has so much to say about connection and friendships after loss and what happens to us when we are grieving. We talk about why do we let go of our relationships after loss and why we may lose relationships as well.

My conversation with Shasta was truly fascinating. I learned so many things about myself in my experience of grieving friendships that I lost or changed after loss. I became such an independt woman, I thought nobody could understand my pain.

I know that you have likely gone through a lot of transitions and lost friendships since your loss. I hope that you will take time to listen to this episode and that it will support you to find a new way to sustain and nurture your current relationships, how to make new friends, and find a new way to mend relationships that you have invested in and are still important to your life.

“We are lonely not because we don’t know enough people, but because we aren’t going deep enough with those we do know.” (Click to tweet!)
~ Shasta Nelson

I encourage you to take notes while you listen to this episode, especially toward the beginning of our conversation, Shasta shares an exercise she called her “Loss List” that I would highly recommend to everyone.

I’d love to hear what you think of this conversation. Be sure to comment below or connect with me on Instagram to tell me all about it.

More About Shasta Nelson

Shasta Nelson, a friendship expert, is a leading voice on creating healthy relationships in her efforts to eradicate the growing loneliness in our world. Her spirited and soulful voice for meaningful connections can be found in her books "Frientimacy: How to Deepen Friendships for Lifelong Health and Happiness" and "Friendships Don’t Just Happen! The Guide to Creating a Meaningful Circle of GirlFriends."  In addition to speaking across the country, she is also a frequent contributor to the media appearing on TV shows such as Katie Couric and The Today Show, and in countless magazines and newspapers including The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, Health, and Forbes.

You can connect with Shasta through her website and on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

Listen to Episode 34 Below:


Things We Mention In This Episode


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Christina Rasmussen