Holiday Coffee Series: How To Keep Up With Traditions When It’s Too Painful

“Please talk about how losses can trigger previous losses and grief cycles that have not been processed fully. I’m a widow and presently just going through having lost my son in law two years ago and last month losing my step son. Losing my step son seemed to “I don’t know how to get past the visions of my son fighting for his life last year on December 21-29. I spent that Christmas Day praying for the miracle of all miracles, never to be. And he took his last earthly breath as I had him untethered from life support is on his sister’s birthday December 29th. His only sibling. We as a family are just not looking forward to any of it. 

The commercials on TV, the decorations, the carols on the radio; our grandchildren are young, so we will have to keep up traditions if we can. My question is, how? Just how. 

I’ve never listened to a podcast before. Perhaps this is the time to start.”



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Christina Rasmussen