Coffee Date With Christina: How To Let Go Of Guilt After Loss

“Plug-ins are helping the grief tremendously. It almost feels impossible to let go of the guilt of being happy without the one I lost. I almost feel judged for it by the other people who loved her too and are not doing your work Christina. I know she would be happy and proud but it still feels wrong and painful sometimes and makes me feel like she is so much further away physically because I’m actively working on creating this new life. So my question is about that guilt, and pit in my stomach that makes me feel bad for taking action.” - Lifshe

Listen to my answer to Lifshe here:

In This Episode I Talk About:

  • A reminder that guilt is one of the primary feelings we feel and that it’s going to take time and something you are going to have to work through

  • The more you are living out loud after loss the more judgement you will experience from people and the more guilt you will feel. 

  • A personal story of when I felt guilt

  • The fear centre that gets triggered when you are trying on a new life and why it wants to keep you inside the waiting room

Things I Mention In This Episode:


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Christina Rasmussen