Coffee Date With Christina: How To Do a Grief Cleanse After Loss

“I lost my husband 9 months ago. He had a sudden, massive heart attack right in front of me. I’m a healthy person but my heart is so heavy, it literally feels like it weighs 25 pounds. I’ve been to the ER twice with heart attack symptoms. There is nothing wrong with me other than high blood pressure. Now I know that grief that definitely manifest itself in physical symptoms. I’m trying hard to be kind to myself and get my life back on track but it’s difficult because of how WEIRD I feel physically. Is there something specific I should be doing to get through this sooner rather than later?” - Pam

Listen to my answer to Pam here:

In This Episode I Talk About:

  • When we are grieving so deeply, it’s not just our heart and our brain that are grieving. It’s our whole body

  • The steps I suggest Pam walk through with her doctor and other professionals

  • That it’s important to have someone to talk to and cleanse your thoughts and feelings. They don’t have to do anything else but listen. Talk about all the things that you feel you can’t tell anyone else

  • What a grief cleanse is and how to do one 

Things I Mention In This Episode:


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Christina Rasmussen