Coffee Date With Christina: No Regrets After Loss

“My husband Bob transitioned in September 2018 and I’m reliving that day over and over again. I’m depressed and I also feel anger. I feel angry at the world. My question is, how do you handle the anger along with the grief? I also feel guilty about things that he wanted to do and I was too nervous to do them. For example, he wanted to go on a boat across the river and I wish so much that I had overcome my fear and had gone with him. Thank you Christina.” - Lori

Listen to my answer to Lori here:

In This Episode I Talk About:

  • Why it’s so important to talk about this topic

  • That it is natural and normal to feel regret and yet there is no way we could turn back time

  • How to rewrite these thoughts to move you forward instead of staying stuck

  • I share some of my own regrets

Things I Mention In This Episode:


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Christina Rasmussen